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Gowland's Heating & A/C Blog

Tips to Get the Most from Your AC in Summer


June is here and so is the hot summer weather. We can soon expect to have daily highs in the low 90s, and that means home air conditioning systems will be running regularly. The whirr of the compressor from your AC will become a part of your daily life. 

You might not realize it, but you may not be getting the most effective summer performance from your air conditioning in Marrero, LA. The AC could be costing you more than it should to run, or it’s not delivering the highest cooling capacity. But that’s why we’re here—we have advice and AC services that can help your air conditioner deliver the best for your household over this summer. Here are a few tips to maximize your home’s cooling so you can have an even better, cooler summer. 

Have professional AC maintenance

This is the most important step you can take to have quality air conditioning performance during the season. We recommend homeowners have maintenance done in spring, but early summer is still a good time for it—far better than not doing it at all. Maintenance preps the AC for the rigors of summer heat with inspections, cleanings, and tune-ups. Technicians can catch troubles early so they can be repaired before they become real trouble, and the AC won’t lose energy efficiency thanks to the cleanings and adjustments. 

Be moderate with the thermostat settings

Don’t shove the thermostat down too low, as tempting as it may sound to turn your house into a “chill zone” when it’s 95°F outside in August. Keep the thermostat settings up as high as your household finds comfortable. We recommend aiming for 78°F. This will not only lessen the strain placed on the AC, it will also slow down heat gain for the house and help keep a steady indoor temperature. 

Upgrade to programmable, Wi-Fi, or smart thermostat

Do you still have a manual thermostat in the house, or a digital one that doesn’t have programmable features? Then you’re missing out on savings and convenience. Newer thermostats give you better control over the AC, more precise settings, and options to lower use without having to sacrifice comfort. And the newest line of smart thermostats do most of the work for you! You’ll need professionals to handle the installation (trying to pick a thermostat on your own can end up damaging the HVAC system), so call our team and ask about new thermostat options. 

Seal leaky ducts

If you’ve had trouble with quality air conditioning recently, but the AC seems to be working fine or is relatively new, you might have trouble with air leaks in the ductwork. Leaking ducts create hot spots around the house, drain extra power, and increase humidity. But all it takes to solve these problems is to arrange for us to test the ducts and then seal up the leaks and gaps. With an airtight ductwork system, your AC will have the chance to work its best.

Gowland’s Heating & A/C believes in “Relationship over revenue!” Call our team when you need quality air conditioning service.

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