Gowland's Heating & A/C Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Covington’

Benefits of a Home Energy Audit

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Aside from your mortgage, the biggest bills you have to pay are probably for energy. This includes electricity as well as natural gas or perhaps propane or heating oil. Unfortunately, people often pay much more than they should have to for these sources of energy. Why? Because the energy is being wasted due to inefficiency in their homes.

It can be hard to imagine how to save energy without sacrificing anything you need, like heating, cooling, lighting, and functional appliances. After all, you probably don’t even know which parts of your house are allowing energy to be wasted. That’s where we come in! With a home energy audit, you can find out exactly where you’re wasting energy, so you can easily make your home more efficient.

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What’s That Noise? You Need Air Conditioner Repair!

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

One of the first things that people usually notice when there’s a problem with their air conditioner is that it starts making a new sound. There are a wide variety of noises you might hear that indicate that something is wrong, but any unusual noises are always cause for concern. What noises might you hear when you need air conditioner repair? What could be wrong? Here’s the scoop.

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Repair or Replace? How to Know What to Do With Your Air Conditioner

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

It’s just about that time of year. You’re going to be turning your air conditioner on again soon. How will it do? Have you had AC maintenance done? Are you confident that it can continue keeping you cool all summer? Or is it getting old, struggling, or perhaps requiring repair? What should you do?

Well, you know you can’t head into a Louisiana summer with unreliable air conditioning. That leaves you with two options. You need to repair your old air conditioner or replace it with a new one. What should you do? How can you decide? We’ll help you figure it out.

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Interested in Ductless Heating? Here Are 4 Reasons You Should Be

Monday, November 20th, 2023

In the intricate dance of home comfort, the world of heating options is ever expanding. One innovation that’s been quietly revolutionizing the game is ductless heating in Covington, LA.

If you’ve ever found yourself daydreaming about a cozier more efficient way to warm up your space it may be time to turn your attention to the whispers of ductless heating. Let’s explore the enchanting reasons why you should be not just interested but captivated by the allure of ductless heating systems.

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How Professional Air Conditioning Maintenance Differs From DIY Maintenance

Monday, August 28th, 2023

When it comes to air conditioning maintenance in Covington, LA, there are two main routes you can take. The do-it-yourself approach or seeking professional maintenance.

While DIY methods might seem cost-effective, professional air conditioning maintenance offers a lot of benefits that go beyond the surface.

Let’s take a look at the differences between professional air conditioning maintenance and DIY methods to help you make an informed decision about keeping your cooling system in great condition.

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Understanding Basic Terminology for Your AC

Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Two Condenser Units Outside

When it comes to understanding your air conditioning system, knowing the basic terminology can help you to make more informed decisions.

Two key components that play important roles in the cooling process are the condenser and the compressor. Understanding the difference between the two can help you save time and money as the summer heats up in Covington, LA.

Let’s take a look at some of the key differences between compressors and condensers.

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Do Tankless Water Heaters Have Any Drawbacks?

Monday, December 5th, 2022

Tankless water heaters are becoming more common with each year, and many new homes are built with tankless water heaters already installed. We often recommend our customers look into the possibility of tankless water heaters when they’re shopping around for a water heater replacement. They offer several tremendous benefits that can make significant changes for a home.

But tankless water heaters aren’t the ideal fit for all homes because, yes, they do have some drawbacks to go along with the many benefits. For some homes, the benefits will outweigh the drawbacks, but we advise you to always work with professionals like us when you’re planning for a new water heater installation.

We’ll look at several potential tankless water heater drawbacks and see how important they may be for you.

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Now Is a Great Time to Schedule Your Heating Maintenance

Monday, November 7th, 2022

November is off to a pleasant start with warm weather. We know this won’t last forever, and so right now when you don’t need to run your home’s heating system is a great time to call us and schedule your annual heating maintenance in Covington, LA. It’s close enough to winter for maintenance to have the maximum effect, and you won’t have to worry about missing out on warmth while our technicians inspect and tune-up your heater.

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Sounds You Want to Hear From Your AC

Monday, July 4th, 2022

One of the basic warning signs of an air conditioning system in trouble is when it makes any strange noise or noise that’s louder than normal. We’ve written about some of these warning sounds before, but in today’s post we plan to take a different look at air conditioning noises. After all, the best way to tell when a sound from an AC is unusual is to know what sounds are usual

Let’s take a tour through what your air conditioning system will sound like when it’s doing its job. This is what the soundtrack to summer days in your home ought to be—and if it’s not, we can help!

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Your Heat Pump Needs Maintenance Twice a Year

Monday, May 9th, 2022

Recently we posted our seasonal reminder about air conditioning maintenance. This is an essential service if you want to get the most efficient, effective, and reliable performance from your home’s AC over the summer. Maintenance is a great investment that pays you back in many ways, and it’s probably the most important service you can have scheduled for it.

But what if you have a heat pump? Are its maintenance requirements different from an air conditioner? Yes, they are—and we’re glad you asked. You need to schedule maintenance for your heat pump this spring to help it help you through the summer. But you also need to schedule another maintenance appointment for it in the fall.

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