Gowland's Heating & A/C Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How Air Conditioning Tune Ups Save You Money in the Long Run

Monday, June 26th, 2023

As the summer heat in Mandeville, LA, arrives our reliance on air conditioning systems increases to keep our homes cool and comfortable. However, it’s easy to overlook the importance of regular maintenance for these essential appliances.

Air conditioning tune-ups may seem like an unnecessary expense, but in reality, they are a wise investment that can save you significant money in the long run.

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Understanding Basic Terminology for Your AC

Monday, May 22nd, 2023
Two Condenser Units Outside

When it comes to understanding your air conditioning system, knowing the basic terminology can help you to make more informed decisions.

Two key components that play important roles in the cooling process are the condenser and the compressor. Understanding the difference between the two can help you save time and money as the summer heats up in Covington, LA.

Let’s take a look at some of the key differences between compressors and condensers.

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Why We Stand By American Standard HVAC Products

Monday, March 27th, 2023

At Gowland’s, we believe in giving our customers only the best. That means not only our best work and effort, but also the best products on the market. When it comes to HVAC, the products that we standby are from American Standard.

You’ve probably heard of American Standard, or at least seen their logo on different household products, such as plumbing fixtures. The company has a long history, starting in 1881 with the foundation of the Standard Sanitary Manufacturing Company, which produced plumbing fixtures and fittings.

In 1929, Standard Sanitary Manufacturing merged with the American Radiator Company, and the new company became known as American Standard. Today, American Standard is one of the leading manufacturers of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning products for both homes and businesses. 

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Before Summer Arrives, Should You Replace Your Current AC?

Monday, March 13th, 2023

To replace or not to replace an air conditioner in Slidell, LA; that is the question. Or at least, it’s often a question people have during spring as they anticipate the coming heat.

You may have a relatively young air conditioning system (under 10 years) and don’t have much worry about whether it will get through the coming season. 

But you may be in a situation where you have doubts about your home’s AC. Can you still get it through the summer, maybe with a repair? Or has the time come to retire it and have a new AC installed?

To help you approach the big question of “Replace or Not to Replace?”, we’re going to have you answer several related questions. This will help you focus on what’s going on with your air conditioner and what its future may be like. 

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Early Fall Tip: Repair Your AC If It Needs It

Monday, September 26th, 2022

Now that it’s officially fall, the temperatures are… still extremely hot. It’s around 91°F as we’re writing this post, and it’ll probably be in the 80s by next week. This makes it important to pay special attention to your air conditioning system. After a hard summer of dedicated work, your air conditioner is at a higher risk of failing because of all the stress on it. 

But we also know that the closer we get to the end of the year, the more likely people will ignore issues with their AC. The common line of thinking is: “Well, I soon won’t need the AC for a couple of months, so if it’s acting funny I don’t need to move fast to get it fixed. It can wait until next year.”

As with most jobs in life, procrastination is the wrong choice! Our big tip for beating the early fall heat is to always schedule AC repair in New Orleans, LA promptly. No matter how small the problem may seem, it’s to your advantage to have our professionals out to examine and fix your AC.

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Signs of Problems With Your Commercial AC System

Monday, August 15th, 2022

This is an intensely hot summer here in New Orleans, and if you run a business you know how critical your air conditioning system is at this time of year. Whether you run a restaurant, a store, an office, a manufacturing plant, etc., maintaining the proper indoor temperature against the intense outdoor heat is a priority.

We offer service for commercial HVAC in Slidell, LA to help keep businesses running even as the heat ramps up. Of course, you have to know that your commercial AC system is experiencing problems in the first place, and sometimes that can be tricky. You don’t want to wait for the air conditioning to completely fail before you know it’s time to call us! Below we’ve listed several of the warning signs that your cooling system is experiencing troubles that require the assistance of our team.

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Why Won’t My AC Evenly Cool My Home?

Monday, July 18th, 2022

The point of having a central air conditioning system in a home is to provide a spread of cool air throughout most of the rooms. Although you can expect a few rooms to get a bit warmer than others because of sunlight exposure or room placement, your home’s central AC should be able to handle providing comfort everywhere with an even distribution of cool air.

If you start to find that some rooms are hotter than normal when the AC is running, there may be a repair issue with the air conditioner. Or it may be ready for a replacement. We’ll look over some of the possible causes for your air conditioning system to unevenly cool the house.

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Sounds You Want to Hear From Your AC

Monday, July 4th, 2022

One of the basic warning signs of an air conditioning system in trouble is when it makes any strange noise or noise that’s louder than normal. We’ve written about some of these warning sounds before, but in today’s post we plan to take a different look at air conditioning noises. After all, the best way to tell when a sound from an AC is unusual is to know what sounds are usual

Let’s take a tour through what your air conditioning system will sound like when it’s doing its job. This is what the soundtrack to summer days in your home ought to be—and if it’s not, we can help!

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Upgrading Your AC: Is It Time?

Monday, June 20th, 2022

We expect a hot and humid summer this year, and this makes it especially important for everyone to take good care of their residential air conditioning systems. This includes scheduling regular maintenance and acting on repair needs as soon as troubles arise. 

In some situations, the best way to prepare an air conditioner for a rough summer is to upgrade to a new air conditioner. This is a big step, and you may feel hesitant about replacing your AC as a way to prep for the heat. But a new air conditioning installation in Slidell, LA might be your best option—and if it is, we want you to know about it.

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How Much Cooling Do You Need From a Commercial AC?

Monday, June 6th, 2022

Even smaller businesses and commercial spaces can require more cooling than the standard residential home. A commercial facility has more people in it and a greater amount of heat-producing equipment working at once. Most commercial air conditioning systems need a higher capacity to handle the climate control needs of a business—often much more.

If you’re asking how much cooling you need from your commercial HVAC in St. Bernard, LA, we can help shine some light on the topic. When it comes to selecting new units and installing them, you’ll need our professional assistance to ensure all the right choices are made. That way you’ll end up with the ideal amount of cooling that won’t waste power and will work dependably for many years.

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